“Lift up your eyes with me to the Father from the cross of this world, which causes so much suffering” (Interior Word).

Whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear will certainly perceive that dark times are coming upon the world as well as upon the Church. Because of the loss of faith and the lack of clear orientation on the part of the Church, fewer and fewer rays of light are shining on the world, which so urgently needs the light of the Church. Sin and confusion proliferate. It often happens that sin is no longer called by its name and even a diabolical inversion of values can occur.

Precisely in these times it is important not to let ourselves be swallowed up by the gravity of events, let alone fall into despair. On the contrary, we must raise our gaze together with Jesus to the Father.

Jesus bore on the Cross all the suffering that befell the world as a consequence of sin and offered it to the Father. He invites us to do the same. United with the Lord and looking together with Him to the Father, we will not only be able to bear all the suffering we encounter – whether on a personal level, in the people around us or in the world in general – but we will also make it fruitful.

Our Father allows suffering during the time of our pilgrimage in this world. But He is always at our side, and through His love, suffering is taken away from meaninglessness.

Precisely in these times of confusion, the message of our Heavenly Father’s unfailing love will be a great light for all people.

Holy Scripture shows us how far people can turn away from God, and we ourselves can see it all around us, even in people who are dear to us. It is a great suffering! Let us bear it with our eyes fixed on the Father, interceding for people and trying to comfort them “with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Cor 1:4).