REMARK: When we put “Inner Word” as a reference, these are statements that Brother Elias perceived in prayer.

“Live in intimate friendship with me. This friendship will deepen more and more, until you are completely with me in eternity” (Inner Word).

Friendship with our Heavenly Father is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. Just as Jesus called His disciples “friends” (Jn 15:15) and treated them as such, so the Father invites us to live in close friendship with Him. The word “close” is meant to underline even more the intimacy of this relationship.

“You must learn to know Me better and to love Me to the extent that I desire, that is, not only as a Father, but as your Friend and Confidant.” (From the Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio)

It is a friendship that the Father has long desired, and He waits until we respond to His invitation, until we understand it in His Spirit and respond more and more to His love. When we become His friends, He entrusts us with His desires and concerns, and communicates to us what He carries in His heart. At the same time, He is always ready to listen to what we want to say and entrust to Him.

His friendship becomes something natural for us, and must be deepened day by day. Our divine Father and friend is always ready to do His part to keep this friendship alive. He always offers us His Heart. We, on the other hand, easily forget to take care of this friendship, and it is often difficult for us to be attentive to our Father’s presence.

The more we cultivate our friendship with Him in an intimate dialogue, the deeper it becomes and the more aware we become that we are on a pilgrimage towards eternity. Our Father and divine friend is our companion on this journey and at the same time He is our goal. There, in eternity, the Lord has prepared dwelling places for us, as He assured His disciples (Jn 14:2).

We are not exempt from the burdens that this life brings with it, but they become light when our fatherly friend accompanies us. Moreover, they can even become a “sweet burden” as we come to understand His friendship better and better. This friendship surpasses all human friendship, because our divine friend is at the same time our Saviour, who not only remains at our side and comforts us in difficult moments, but can even insert them into His plan of salvation (Rom 8:28). Blessed is the one who cultivates this friendship with God and finds a home in it!