“Do not overburden yourselves or burden yourselves with unnecessary worries – let me take care of everything! I want you totally pure and sincere, walking hand in hand with the Father like children, without worrying about what tomorrow will bring” (Inner Word).

Unconcern-not to be confused with naivety or lack of responsibility-is founded on trust in God and confers a special radiance to the path of following Christ. It often goes hand in hand with a certain joy and serenity, which even in the most difficult situations does not fade.

“That is why I am telling you not to worry about your life and what you are to eat, nor about your body and what you are to wear (…) Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they are?” (Mt 6:25-26).

The Lord invites us to place all our worries about our life in the hands of our Father. He wants us to live secure in His paternal goodness keeping it always as our focus. Therefore, our whole life is in His hands, and there is no need to burden the future with our worries and fears. This means that we must inwardly let go of all those worries, but not in an attitude of resignation, as if we could not face difficulties; but with the certainty that everything that befalls us already has a solution in the Heart of the Father.

If we acquire such an attitude, purity and sincerity will grow in our life. Thus, the center of our attention and of our being is focused on the Lord. The more we place ourselves in His hands, the more room our hearts will have for His presence in us and the more His Spirit will be able to shape us.

Our prayer could be: “My Father, it is You who holds everything in His hands. It is You, beloved Father, who knows tomorrow. I only know that You grant it to me to love You and to let myself be loved by You, and this is what I want to focus on.”

If we live as the Lord invites us to do, God will be able to remove the spirit of worry from its hold on our souls, so that it cannot dominate us. He offers us His hand and, with it, the certainty of His love.  Thus the dark shadows of worry will be dispelled and a confident serenity will be able to penetrate our lives, springing from joy in God and making real what the Father counsels us, “Let me take care of everything!”