“Keep your heart anchored in me” (Inner Word)
Once we have surrendered our hearts to the Heavenly Father in response to His love for us, this act of surrender must be renewed and deepened again and again.
This is necessary so that our hearts may be purified more and more by bringing before God even the most subtle negative tendencies that we discover in them.
But there are also external things that want to frighten and disturb us. The rule we must follow here is not to be carried away by the dynamics of fear, but to immediately anchor our heart in the Father and place our trust in Him.
We could point to many things that want our attention, but in reality they are not important and only distract us. However, if we have trained ourselves to keep our heart anchored in God and to keep returning to His Heart, then the Holy Spirit, our ‘inner teacher’, will be able to gently but clearly draw our attention to all kinds of distractions. That is to say, He will make us aware when our heart deviates in the slightest from the love of God.
We also bring to our Father’s Heart every kind of pain that afflicts us, whether internal or external, and there the suffering is accepted and its consolation soothes our heart.
To enter into a deeper relationship with our Father, it is necessary to take time to be with Him and to cultivate dialogue with God. This includes the interiorisation of His Word so that it takes root in our hearts and awakens us from lethargy, and the reception of the Holy Sacraments.
In this way, our love for God becomes more and more intimate, and our heart begins to suffer when it turns away from Him. When we realise this, we immediately return to the heart of the Father and become ever more vigilant to keep our heart always anchored in Him.