“Do not let yourself be confused and keep your heart anchored in Me” (Inner Word).

Jesus tells us in the Gospel: “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).

Our Father is well aware of the many tribulations that can befall us in the world, whether internal or external. When we set out on the path of following the Lord, it is not that we become invulnerable, as if nothing could happen to us. But we learn, with God’s help, to go through hardships and to overcome them in such a way that they can no longer exercise their power over us to the point that we are at their mercy and allow ourselves to be confused.

That is why it is so important for us to put into practice the words we are meditating on today, as well as the words of the Lord in the Gospel, when we are threatened by the events around us and when our inner fears try to dominate us.

We need to face in prayer any confusion that tries to cloud us, whether it is at the level of the mind or of the emotions. We can turn to our divine and faithful friend: the Holy Spirit, sent to us by the Father and the Son. He is always ready to shine His light in the midst of our personal suffering. If we call on Him, He will lead us out of all waywardness and confusion back into the light of clarity, and we will be able to cope with inner restlessness through the rest and peace He gives us.

When our heart is troubled and fears torment us, let us present them to our Father. Indeed, we have already given our heart to Him and we must not allow anyone or anything to take it away from Him. So we must turn away from everything that tries to confuse us and turn to the Father, who will always show us a way out of tribulation, either by rescuing us from it or by giving us the strength to go through it and thus grow in trust in Him.