“When I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth, thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them” (Ps 138:16).

This verse of the Psalm takes us back to the time before we saw the light of this world. We hear and understand that God’s gaze has always rested lovingly on us. He had us in mind, our paths prepared by Him before our days on earth began.

If we were to absorb this reality deeply, we would grasp even more deeply the love of our Father and the meaning of our existence. What an immense breadth of God’s love and providence is revealed to us here! From all eternity we have always been protected by the love of our Father, from all eternity He has foreseen us for the work He wants to accomplish through us, from all eternity He has destined us for eternal communion with Him, if we remain faithful to the path He has marked out for us.

How many unnecessary worries would disappear if we were aware of this love that has created us to live in communion with our Father, that accompanies us throughout our earthly life and that wants to mould and transform us every day into what the Father wants us to be! It is a love that lifts us up and forgives us when we go astray. It never abandons us and never ceases to reassure us that we can always count on it.

So why do we allow ourselves to be confused and worried?

Although the devil seeks to establish his kingdom on earth and to drag humanity into the abyss of his evil, we must not despair or give up. On the contrary, this realisation should spur us on to go out with the Lord in search of the lost and to spiritually resist the powers of evil.

If only people knew that they have always been loved, how everything would change!