“A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you” (Ps 91:7).

Those who obey our Father can count on His promises.

Whether in the midst of chaos, war or an apocalyptic scenario, the Lord will never abandon His own. Even though He allows people to feel the consequences of their actions “in their own flesh” because of the grave sins that envelop people in thick darkness, so that they will come to their senses and turn to Him, God looks differently on those who serve Him.

There is a very moving story in the book of Jeremiah: the people of Israel ignore the prophet’s warnings not to go to Egypt and openly turn away from God (Jer 44:15-19). What most displeases and offends the Lord is the idolatry into which His people fall. Then the prophesied disaster comes upon them. But in these circumstances, Baruch, Jeremiah’s faithful companion, receives this promise from God: “I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go” (Jer 45:5).

The comforting words of Psalm 91 can also be interpreted in this sense. We, the faithful, should not allow ourselves to be intimidated by the turmoil of these confusing times, to the point of always living in fear of what might befall humanity. Rather, it is incumbent upon us to pray especially for those people who do not observe God’s commandments and who, because of their position of authority, exert great influence over others.

Always, and even more so in turbulent times of discord and chaos, we must deepen our trust in God. Whatever happens, we are in the hands of our loving Father. He watches over us! Jesus showed us very clearly what is really necessary: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well” (Mt 6:33).