441st Meditation

“Gentleness, combined with the clarity of the Spirit, is irresistible to those who seek the truth” (Interior Word).

These words reflect what God Himself is like, while inviting us to become like Him. It is the Holy Spirit who can lead us to adopt more and more the attitude of God. It is He who produces in us the fruits of the Spirit and forms us into the image of God. Let us think of the fruit of gentleness and the gift of understanding and wisdom, which resonate particularly in today’s sentence.

Would it not be to the greater glory of our heavenly Father if we became more and more like Him? Would it not be a great joy for Him to see His heavenly glory reflected in us, earthly people? Would not this testimony be a great opportunity for evangelisation, especially in times when the hearts of people can hardly be touched with words, or when the public proclamation of the Gospel may even be restricted or forbidden?

Yes, there are still people who seek the truth. But how can they find it in the midst of the innumerable ideologies and seductive offers of the world? Today’s opening words point to a royal road to help them find it.

When gentleness shines in us as the fruit of the Holy Spirit, hand in hand with clarity of thought and action, the presence of God will become palpable. Then a soul in search will hardly be able to resist the splendour of truth, for this is the goal of all its searching.

Even a soul who has already found the Lord will listen attentively to learn more about God and to know Him better. This will please our Father!