“Do not lose your inner peace for anything, even if the whole world seems to be falling apart” (St. Francis de Sales).

We can make these words of the wise St. Francis de Sales a reality only if our Heavenly Father has made His dwelling place in us and we live in constant dialog with Him.

Let us imagine this in the following way:

Let us suppose that our Father, through sanctifying grace, has established His throne in our soul, thus creating a sanctuary in us. There, in the innermost recesses of our soul, the Lord is present, and no one may come there uninvited. This is the place of His peace, which can extend to all the layers of the soul. Inner peace dwells there constantly.

However, since we are still living in this world, external and internal events can disturb us.  Yet they cannot penetrate into the innermost realm of the soul, but remain in its outer layers and work there.

When we perceive this “restlessness” of whatever kind, we must not allow ourselves to be affected by it, but withdraw to the innermost part of our soul, where the Father has established His Kingdom of peace. In the encounter with Him, the noise must be silenced, our senses restrained, our thoughts ordered and our hearts consolidated.

Indeed, in the Lord there is no situation without a solution. He knows everything, understands everything and is always able to show a way out. The more the soul is anchored in the Lord, the better it will be able to face the situations that arise. Inner peace, which can be preserved even in the most difficult circumstances, springs from the sanctuary of the soul and no one can take it away.