221st Meditation

“In season or out of season, the whole world must learn that there is a God and a Creator” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

These words allow us to look into the heart of our Father, to see what moves Him.

For a true relationship of love to exist, it cannot be one-sided. God loved us first (1 Jn 4:19) and continues to love us always. But He waits for our response.

A response from someone who loves is to want to know what is going on in the heart of the beloved, what is important to him, what his ardent longing is… Our Father entrusts us with the secrets of His heart in many ways.

He wants all men to know that He exists, and to know Him as the Creator who called them into existence. So it is not irrelevant whether we, who already know Him, make Him known to others or keep Him to ourselves.

So we should not only be moved by love for our neighbour to give him the most important thing, which is the testimony of the Father’s love, but even more so by the desire and longing of our Father. Let us think of Jesus, who came to fulfil the Will of the Father. This was His food (Jn 4:34).

Be it in season or out of season, God wants to be proclaimed. This means that we must seize every opportunity that presents itself, even if the ideal conditions are not met. It is up to us to sow the word and bear witness, and God Himself will prepare hearts to receive the message.

Let us remember how important it is for our Father to be known, honoured and loved by mankind, and we know that He desires this because only then will He be able to give them all that He has in store for them.

Let us remember this when we are weary. Let us remember it when we seem to be passing on the Word in vain, when our surroundings want nothing to do with God, when in the public arena we perceive more and more hostility towards the holy faith.

Let us remember how much our Father desires to be known, honoured and loved! And even if we can only pray a Hail Mary in secret for the conversion of sinners, this will be a joy for God.