“In my Heart you are at home, always and forever. There you find everything, even in the thickest darkness.”

To feel at home is a deeply rooted longing in man. Home is the place where he can be as he is, where he does not feel threatened, where he knows he is loved, where he finds his place….

People are often in search of a home. A good family provides this on a natural level, as does in a certain way the homeland and the region in which you live. A deeper home is provided by the Church. Indeed, in her we are at home on our pilgrimage towards eternity.

The source of every true home is our Father Himself, from whom all things come and “from whom every fatherhood, in heaven or on earth, takes its name” (Eph 3:15).

In accepting the Father’s love and dwelling in it, we find the home that is always open to us, wherever we are. No longer will there be any need to search, the restlessness of the soul will cease… She needs no more substitutes, she no longer has to create artificial homes for herself, for she has come home. She has her home in time and, even more, in eternity; always and forever.

This applies also to our earthly existence, which is still marked by obscurity. Even in the thickest darkness we do not lose the presence of God, for the Heart of our Father is always wide open for us:

“If I scale the heavens you are there,

if I lie flat in Sheol, there you are. (…)

Even darkness to you is not dark,

and night is as clear as the day”. (Ps 138:8,12)

The Father offers us this home! And as we settle there, we experience that He has always thought of us, that He has always enveloped us with His love. Now it is up to us to know Him more deeply, to live in His presence and to give Him our hearts. Our Father will receive it with joy and take us by the hand to fulfil the plan He has foreseen for us. Thus, we live for His joy, and that is our greatest joy!