“If you knew how much I love my disciples and how willing I am to unveil to them all the treasures of grace, you would always be awake, attentive to listen to the voice of your heart to meet me” (Interior Word).

Once our heart has been pierced by the love of the Lord, it will perceive how immense this love is and it will long to receive everything that is a sign of this love. What else could it seek outside of it?

Indeed, it is a matter of that love for which one is capable of leaving everything behind (cf. Mt 13:44-46). The soul is increasingly aware of the Father’s desire to entrust to us the most intimate part of His being.

But what must we do to better recognize how much the Lord loves us and to awaken to the desire to correspond to Him with devoted love?

  • Let us meditate on the Lord’s gifts.
  • Let us dialogue intimately with Him.
  • Let us entrust everything to Him, including the shadows of our soul.
  • Let us receive Holy Communion, the sacrament of His love.
  • Let us strive for holiness.
  • Let us listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
  • Let us go to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, to allow ourselves to be blessed by the Eucharistic presence of the Lord.

But, above all, let us ask Him to drive away our indifference and dullness, for His love is always there, wanting to give itself to us. It is we who do not yet welcome Him in depth, who do not recognize or perceive Him well, easily disregarding His many invitations.

If only you knew… It remains for us to simply present ourselves before our Father and say to Him: “We come to you with our eyes closed and our ears stopped up. You made the blind to see and the deaf to hear, and transformed hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Work in us all these wonders, that we may know how much you love your disciples and that we may reciprocate your love”.