312th Meditation

“If only my people would listen to me, if only Israel would walk in my ways, I would feed him on pure wheat, would give you your fill of honey from the rock” (Ps 81:13.16).

This is what our Heavenly Father has in store for us: a life in abundance, a life in His loving presence, abundantly supplying the bodily and spiritual needs of His children and filling them with His overflowing and unceasing love. These are the intentions of our Father, which remain unchanging! With the eyes of faith we can recognise them and rejoice in the Father day by day.

But it so happens that these promises can only be fully realised if we humans become receptive to God’s grace. Nevertheless, even if we do not obey Him and even if we close ourselves off, God’s intentions will remain in place. Our Father does not change, for He cannot and will not do anything else but love and fill us with this love. It is we who do not allow Him to fill us at all times with this tender love and adorn our souls with it.

The hope of mankind lies in the fact that our Father never ceases to love us and is always ready to forgive human beings, if only they convert and accept His love. No matter how serious the sins and estrangement, there is absolutely nothing that the Father would not want to forgive us, if we accept His forgiveness and follow Him. If this happens, day by day we become more receptive to recognise and accept the fullness of His goodness. Let us recall the immeasurable generosity of the father in the parable of the prodigal son. As soon as he had returned home, the father prepares a banquet for him.

This same banquet God always wants to celebrate with us. If we listen to Him, we can already taste in this earthly life what the Father has prepared for us without limit in eternity… If only we would listen to Him!