320th Meditation

“I will be your All, and I will suffice you for everything” (Message of the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

It is a promise that our Father makes to the “children of His love”, that is to say, to religious men and women. But it is certainly not limited to them alone, even if it is addressed to them in a particular way.

That God “is our all” means that there is nothing that He cannot be for human beings. Not even the wonderful marital love, which unites two people here on earth in a unique way and represents the greatest happiness on earthly level, can become “our all”.

God’s “all”, on the other hand, encompasses time and eternity, past and future, heaven and earth. In Him we meet love itself, a love that never fades and which, if we reciprocate, communicates itself to us ever more abundantly; a love which, in eternity, will reach its culmination for us in unimaginable joy.

“You fence me in, behind and in front, you have laid your hand upon me. My being held no secrets from you, when I was being formed in secret, textured in the depths of the earth. Your eyes could see my unformed substance. In your book all my days were inscribed, every one that was fixed is there” (Ps 139:5,15-16).

Whatever the one for whom the Father has become his “all” undertakes, the Father will be sufficient for him for everything. Even earthly scarcity becomes for him gain; even its shadowy sides will not engulf him:

“I will say, ‘Let the darkness cover me, and the night wrap itself around me,’ even darkness to you is not dark, and night is as clear as the day” (Ps 139:11-12).

The Father has become “our all”, and this “all” makes us happy. Thus, the searching and restlessness of the soul begins to give way; we no longer wander anxiously in search of the satisfactions of life, because everywhere we meet the love of God, which is always greater than we could ever long for. Then we will have arrived at the “house of the Lord” and a new journey begins: the journey of embracing our “all” more and more, of knowing Him more deeply, of honouring Him and loving Him. And that will be enough for everything!