247th Meditation

“The heart is more devious than any other thing, and is depraved; who can pierce its secrets?

I, the Lord, search the heart and test the mind” (Jer 17:9-10).

Yesterday we reflected on the heart that, after being tested, has proved its faithfulness to God, as was the case with the Prophet Jeremiah. Today, however, we are reminded of the deplorable state of our heart, of which the Lord also warns us in the Gospel (cf. Mt 15:19). For a heart to stand the test, it first needs to undergo purification, because often it is not even aware of its own evil.

Our Father not only knows this; He remedies it. He knows our heart and looks upon it with love, despite or even because of its deplorable state. God Himself wants to give us a new heart, a heart like His own (cf. Ez 36:26-28).

Thus the Father helps us in all things, because, as the psalmist says, “Who can detect his own failings?” In view of which he exclaims: “Wash away; o Lord, my hidden faults” (Ps 18:13).

We are invited to confidently open our hearts to our loving Father, asking Him to come and make it a dwelling place that is pleasing to Him. From now on we can begin to put aside everything that is not part of a loving heart….

But our own efforts will not be enough!

May our Father’s grace sustain us as He begins to adorn this dwelling place with all His gifts, to spread His light and to drive out the loathsome demons that want to possess our hearts.

It is not enough for our Father to cleanse outwardly and remove the most notorious filth. Rather, His love insists on us until we ourselves learn to perceive our evil inclinations and try to overcome them. And what we do not see, He nevertheless purifies.

Our Father zealously strives to remove from our hearts all the idols that have deceived us; which always happens when we do not put the love of God in the first place. His burning love confronts the deplorable and hopeless state of our heart. He is able to transform it and make it a dwelling place of His mercy. He has already prepared everything for it, and invites us to live with a new heart.