“I know your heart and I know that you love me” (Inner Word).

This certainty is decisive for the depth and beauty of our discipleship journey. Let us remember that Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him and, on the basis of his answer, entrusted him with the mission of feeding His sheep (Jn 21:15-17).

How comforting and uplifting it is to hear our Father tell us that He knows our heart and that He knows we love Him! Then we know that we are deeply recognised by Him and we are certain that this love is the most precious thing and that it must never be destroyed. Again and again, after the slightest deviation, we can return to this love. This will help us to accomplish all the tasks that come our way in life and to dissolve fruitless self-doubts.

Since God knows us better than we know ourselves, we should trust Him even when “our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything” (1 Jn 3:20).

In this way, in the midst of the many uncertainties that surround us and the many confusions that the enemy of humanity tries to sow in us, either by making us doubt whether God really loves us or by questioning whether we love Him, we receive from our Father a wonderful assurance.

If we absorb these words deep into our hearts, they will close the doors to the accuser. They will strengthen our hearts so that we can face whatever comes our way with confidence. Our Father has said that He knows our hearts and He knows that we love Him. What else can happen to us if we remain faithful to Him?