“Remain in constant contact with me” (Inner Word).

As His children, our Father wants to lead us to a great freedom and naturalness in our relationship with Him. Thus, the Lord not only offers us the original grace of closeness and intimacy with Him, not only restores to us the beauty of the first day when He created us in His image, but through His Son He calls us to an even greater closeness and makes us sharers in the fullness of His love.

In the message to Mother Eugenia, our Heavenly Father invites us again and again to live in this close and intimate relationship with Him and to come freely to the source of His love to drink from it and to act in it. This is a joy for God, and so the life He has planned for us can unfold more and more. Indeed, our Father does not want to see us subjected to a foreign domination, but in a living relationship with Him, so that He can remain in us and we in Him.

This becomes a reality when we try to live in constant contact with our Father. To this end, it is helpful not only to observe fixed times of prayer, but also to practise a simple interior prayer to which we can have frequent recourse in almost every situation. Some people repeat the ejaculation: “Jesus, I trust in you”. Others are used to the classic formula of the prayer of the heart: “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me”. Even a simple ejaculation such as “Father, I love you” can facilitate the inner contact with Him and make it fruitful.