273rd Meditation

“What do I desire to achieve with this work of love, if not to find hearts able to understand Me?” (Father’s message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

We will understand our Father more deeply when we come to know His Heart. And that is what He wants! He wants us to grasp His love, His motivation, His Being.

Also on a human level, we are happy to know that someone understands us, that he can grasp what we really want, that he is able to get our motivations… When this happens, a deep unity with this person is created. If he sees us with a loving gaze, he is able to understand our heart better and we feel understood.

This applies even more to God, whose intentions are always pure. It is indeed painful for our Father that mankind does not know Him as He truly is; that those who want to make Him known do not convey the right image of Him…. Again and again, the Father laments this in the Message to Mother Eugenia, wanting to correct all the wrong or imperfect images that are still held of Him.

With hearts that understand Him, He can communicate on another level. Here all the obstacles that arise from mistrust are overcome.

Surely we all trust the Father and believe that He wants the best for us. But does this certainty really penetrate to the depths of our hearts, so that it remains firm even when things turn out differently from what we had wished for? Is it that, deep down inside, we are still holding on to certain things that we should have left in the hands of our Father long ago? Perhaps we give them to Him in prayer, but when it becomes concrete, we may not yet give Him our full trust and end up withdrawing into ourselves.

There is a remedy for this: let us thank our Father every day for life and for all that He is doing and will continue to do; let us thank Him that we can trust Him without reserve and let us ask Him for the trust that the Virgin Mary had in accepting the angel’s announcement and placing herself totally in God’s hands. We will see: every day our hearts will be melted by God’s love, and so we will come to understand this love and, consequently, God Himself.