“He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful” (Ps 111:4).

We can say that we live in an age of growing forgetfulness of God. Many people remember Him only suddenly; others do not think of Him at all. As a result, they do not keep in mind all that the Heavenly Father has done for them in their lives and what He continues to do on their behalf every day.

Some even turn to Paganism, losing more and more contact with their divine Father. Sadly, it is not only people who have barely received the Gospel message; even those who have had a solid Christian formation are in danger of being drawn into the spiral of forgetting God. When this happens, the deepest meaning of existence is obscured for them and they are unable to live and recognise the transcendent dimension of their lives.

Our Father, however, wants us to remember Him and His wonderful works. It is the Holy Spirit who reminds us of all that the Lord said and did (Jn 14:26). He thus becomes for us an effective remedy against forgetting God. Let us remember how our Lord Jesus Christ glorified the Father and wanted us to recognise Him through Himself and give Him all the glory.

The Holy Spirit, the love between the Father and the Son, will zealously see to it that we do not forget the benefits of God and will vividly remind us of the Father’s love. In this way He will also drive away the spirit of the world that wants to take God’s place and make the memory of Him fade in us. We must be aware that the tendency of our nature to lose ourselves in the worldly and superficial is always active. On the other hand, in order to lead a regular spiritual life, we need to discipline ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is what keeps the memory of our Father alive in us.

In this way we know how to remove ourselves from the forgetfulness of God that dominates the world and become more aware of the blissful presence of our Heavenly Father. It is our Divine Friend, the Holy Spirit, who will always help us, especially when we ask Him.