448th Meditation

“Dear children of My love. I have great plans for you!” (The Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Our Father always has great plans for us, although His infinite patience accompanies us also in the smallest steps and even in our detours. Yes, God is so faithful that He even accompanies those who have turned away from Him, always trying to lead them back home.

But even though He knows how to make Himself little with the little ones, as He says in the Message to Mother Eugenia, His deepest intention for us is still directed toward the great.

And what are His great plans?

Great is His plan for people to know Him and open their hearts to Him so that He can make them sharers in His divine life.

Great is the love that conquers all hatred.

Great are we when we become the servants of all.

Great is our small and limited life when we open it to the greatness of God.

The Father wants to bring all humanity home, so that each one may occupy the place He has prepared for them in eternity. To achieve this goal, He wants all people to know His goodness, with which He always surrounds them, and to listen to the testimony of those whom He has sent throughout the world to proclaim His love. They must make Him known as He really is.

We too can become great if we realize the plans the Father has for us; if we give ourselves completely to Him and place ourselves at His service. Then we will be a part of His great plan of love. Then everything we do will be a testimony to God’s greatness. Then we will no longer live for ourselves, but His plans of salvation will be realized in us and through us.

What a great invitation!