497th Meditation

The Lord tells us: “Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworm destroys them and thieves cannot break in and steal” (Mt 6:20).

We know what He means! Indeed, everything we do moved by true love becomes the most precious gold in the heavenly treasury.

But our Father also has a treasure: it is the hearts of men that belong to Him.

“Your heart belongs to me, and that is my greatest treasure on earth”.

Let us think, for example, of the Virgin Mary, who meekly followed His ways and is now called blessed by all generations (Lk 1:48) and venerated as Mother of the Church.

It was the Father who deposited in the Virgin all that makes her blossom in her splendour. This treasure of God in her was faithfully guarded, so that the Father entrusted to her the greatest of all: His own Son. We know Mary’s faithfulness and love. Her whole heart belongs to God. Thus, her heart is the glorious treasure for our Father, for she treasured all things in her heart (cf. Lk 2:19). It is a treasure that reflects God’s goodness eminently!

But the Father also wants to find this treasure in us. Has He not placed it in us? Has He not given us life, an immortal soul, goods and talents? Has He not shown us His own Heart and kept it always open, so that we can enter into it and drink from this fountain?

What a joy it is for God to find a heart that belongs to Him, a heart that loves Him with filial affection and great trust! To such a heart He can communicate His concerns and desires, and make it ever more docile to His love. It thus becomes His jewel, if only it remains faithful to Him.

“Wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be too” – Jesus teaches us (Mt 6:21). We can also apply this sentence to our Father: Where man has given Him his heart, there God has found His treasure on earth.