God’s love endures forever

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As planned, on the 7th of each month we dedicate the meditation of the day to the Message of God the Father.

The 7th of last August was precisely the “Feast of God the Father of all humanity”, for which we prepared ourselves with a Novena that we also published on the YouTube channel “Elijerusalem english” (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Ssrm4OV1S_Q9OFjP01log). On that occasion, I had invited those who felt particularly called to honor the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity to report to us, as representatives of their respective nation, so that together we could give to our Heavenly Father that worship and love that He asks for in the Message given to Mother Eugenia Ravasio.

We are very happy for the reactions of a good number of our listeners, and we ask the Holy Spirit – who is the love between the Father and the Son – that, on the one hand, He may help us to understand and welcome more deeply the love of our Father; and, on the other hand, that our response to His love may be ever fuller. I believe that we could give Our Lord Jesus Christ no greater joy than to love with all our heart the One who sent Him to redeem us (cf. Jn 3:16). If someone has not received this invitation, but would still like to participate in the “work of love” of our Heavenly Father, they can subsequently send us an e-mail to the following address, indicating their name and the country from which they come: contact@jemael.org.

By faith, we know that God’s Will always seeks the salvation of each person (cf. 1 Tim 2:4), and that there is no other reason for our existence than the fact that God, in His love, called us to life, to offer us communion with Himself. Therefore, if the reason for our existence is the love of the Heavenly Father, then the meaning of our life consists in welcoming His love and corresponding to it by loving Him as well. This is what the first commandment tells us: that we must love God with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our strength (cf. Deut 6:5). This commandment surpasses all the others (Mk 12:30-31), and makes us capable of fulfilling all the other commandments, with the grace that God grants us.

Let us meditate today on a brief passage from the “Message of the Father”:

“I am addressing all men throughout the world, making this call of My paternal love resound. This infinite love which I intend to make known to you is a permanent reality.”

In the first instance, it is a call to know God’s love, because, as Scripture says, He first loved us (1 Jn 4:19). Then, our whole existence is sustained by God’s great “yes” to us. For our Father, it is a joy that we exist. What He wants most of all is that we allow this truth to take root in the depths of our being and that we rejoice in it. Every day, as we wake up, we should become aware that “this is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Ps 118:24).

We all know very well that often our feelings do not correspond to this reality, and that various circumstances can cloud this joy that we should have in God and for being able to exist. However, these contrary feelings cannot abolish the affirmation of our Father, who tells us, “This infinite love which I intend to make known to you is a permanent reality.”

So, God’s love is always there, regardless of how we feel or the situation in which we find ourselves. If, unfortunately, we live in sin, then this love of God is there calling us to conversion, so that the divine life, blocked by sin, can unfold in us. We must attain salvation (cf. 1 Thess 5:9)!

If we live in a state of grace, God will want to consolidate and strengthen this love, so that we too will be able to love him and others.

If we are sad and in inner anguish, God will call us not to be discouraged, to raise our eyes to Him and to experience the consolation of His Presence. If everything is dark and cold within us, God’s light will continue to shine like the sun within us, even if it is covered by clouds. If we feel lost, God is still there, to sustain us.

Then, we learn to understand that the magnitude of God’s love for us cannot be derived from our feelings. Sometimes we experience God wrapped in a feeling of great happiness, and this is beautiful because then our nature accompanies the spirit, so to speak. However, our emotions are very changeable and are determined by many elements.

God’s love, on the other hand, is an objective reality, just as God himself is. His Word is also immutable, which assures us that He loves us and that, moved by this love, He sent His Son to redeem us (cf. Jn 3:16). It is not, therefore, a mere wish or an illusion, but a fact that we grasp only through faith.

Certainly we cannot see this light when our heart is darkened by sin. Nevertheless, it remains there, because God can only love us, and until the end of our life the offer to return to Him will be open.

We can live grounded in this certainty, and give God the response that corresponds to His love. Here again, it is not so much an emotional reality, but a decision to cling to His Word and live according to His Will.