“I can do all things in him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).

With these words, St. Paul expresses how, in all the situations of his apostolic life, he found a way out because he knew how to face them in the Lord. In this way, he also gives us the wise counsel to trust in God firmly and unwaveringly.

The Heavenly Father will never ask us to do anything beyond our strength. He knows exactly what we can endure and what our limits are. He wants to use everything for our spiritual growth. We, on the other hand, easily run the risk of being so dominated by difficulties that they crush us, rob us of our strength, and take away our courage because we lose sight of God.

In such circumstances, it would be good to meditate deeply and confidently on the words of St. Paul, reciting them as a prayer of the heart when we find ourselves in need and distress, and not ceasing to repeat them as a constant ejaculation as long as we are exposed to a concrete difficult situation. Then our Father will give us the strength to face what is presented to us at that moment, without anxiously thinking about the next situations that may come or seem to come in the future.

Each time we overcome a crisis situation with this attitude and thank our Father for it, our confidence will grow and we will be strengthened for the next situation that may require even greater confidence. For this to become a constant experience of His love, it is extremely important that we become aware of each situation that we have overcome with God’s strength and thank Him for it.

We must realize that in order to apply this maxim of St. Paul fruitfully, a decision of our will is necessary: I want to live in such a way that I can do all things in Him who strengthens me! I will not give up beforehand, nor will I allow myself to be swept away by the current of negativity. God will give me the strength!