“You will seek me and find me” (Jer 29:13).
Our Father loves to be found if we sincerely seek Him. Indeed, this passage from the prophet Jeremiah continues: “When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you” (v. 14).
“Every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”, the Lord tells us in the New Testament (Lk 11:10). So it is not difficult to find God or to get answers to our questions. This does not mean that we can approach the Lord as if we were consulting an oracle. But who among us would not like to answer a question addressed to him with an open heart and without suspicion? If we human beings are willing, how much more is our Heavenly Father!
His heart is always open to His children. Through love we have direct access to Him at all times, which we must make use of every day. How much light is shed on our lives when we remain in intimate dialogue with our Heavenly Father! We can even ask Him about matters far beyond our personal horizons, waiting patiently and confidently for His answer. If we don’t get it, perhaps we are not yet ready to understand it, and God will know the right time to communicate it to us. Let us remember that Jesus sometimes could not explain everything to His disciples because they were not yet ready to understand (cf. Jn 16:12).
But we can consult our Father not only on the great questions of life, but also on the smallest and simplest ones, just as a child asks his father. But our sincere search is necessary. Our Father wants us to seek Him. No doubt He seeks us even more than we do Him, but we must go out to meet Him so that true love can develop between the Father and His child.