“If you knew how much I love you, you would always be joyful” – these words I recently heard inside myself.

If we internalise such a statement, our Father will be able to pierce through all the darkness that can spread in our soul. Thus, all the “no’s” in us can vanish through His loving “yes”.

The great promise of God’s Heart and the assurance of His love is stronger than everything else, and makes us understand the words of St. Paul: “Always be joyful, then, in the Lord; I repeat, be joyful” (Phil 4:4).

When God himself becomes the source of our joy, this transforms our life and becomes fruitful for others as well. From this source flows a deep affirmation of life, which is able to penetrate even the most difficult circumstances of life. This joy is like the living water that must flow from our life into the world.

So how can we attain this joy? In the daily encounter with our Father, in intimate dialogue with Him, in listening to His Word, in receiving the sacraments He gives us through His Church, in the works of mercy, in meditating on His goodness….

And what do we have to avoid in order for it to take root in us? We have to restrain negative thoughts, not to let ourselves be carried away by our evil inclinations and distractions, not to give in to the attraction of the world and the flesh….