“This is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day” (Jn 6:40).

This is the wonderful and holy Will of our Father: to give eternal life to all people, thus leading them to His heavenly Kingdom. All His efforts have this goal: that every person, even in his last breath before death, may sincerely convert to their heavenly Father and call upon His name.

In reality, God makes it very easy for us to love Him, and He does not hesitate to come among us in His Son so that we may find salvation in Him.

And yet, how many people still do not know God or have a false or imperfect image of Him! They do not yet know how much they are loved, and they are still searching everywhere for that love which no human being, no matter how good, can give them. They do not yet know what our Father has in store for them, although in the depths of their souls they must intuitively know that this earthly life cannot be the only thing…

Eternal life in communion with God and all the angels and saints is full of bliss, and it is for this life that we were created. St. Paul affirms that here on earth we see God “in a mirror dimly, but then face to face” (1 Cor 13:12).

Is it really possible for people to pass by their true happiness, some of them definitively and forever?

Once I heard in my heart the voice of a saint whom I love very much. I understood the following words: “If you knew what life is like here with us, you would not want to live a moment longer on earth”.

I believe her! But while the Lord still leaves me on earth, I want to proclaim to all people how good our Heavenly Father is and how wonderful are the delights He has prepared for His children in eternity.

If only they would believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, they would have found the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6).