“Drive away the grumbler. He does not act at My behest. Therefore pay no attention to him” (Inner Word).

The “grumbler” alludes to those spirits that try to disturb us on our path of following Christ. They influence our feelings and thoughts, trying to take over and disturb us in various ways.

On the human level we also know “grumblers”. These are the people who always find something to complain about, who are never happy and who easily spoil our joy. If we do not learn to deal with this type of person properly and let them carry us away, they can become a plague. Sometimes we even have a “grumbler” in our own psyche who wants to ruin everything in life for us.

In the latter case, as with evil spirits, we have to do exactly what the opening inner word tells us: drive it away. Our Father has given us the power to forcefully expel them through prayer in the Name of His Son. As soon as we perceive this “grumbling spirit”, we must immediately refuse to pay attention to it, that is, we must not listen to it, because it lies, exaggerates and does everything it can to bind us to its disturbances.

These spirits are not sent by the Father. If He allows them, it is to train us in spiritual warfare.  With the discernment of spirits and due vigilance, we must learn to identify them immediately, to give them no place in our soul, and to cast them out if they will not leave us in peace.

The more resolutely and quickly we resist them, the easier it will be. In this way, these disturbing spirits will not be able to rob us of the peace that our Father gives us.