“Do not be afraid of your weakness, I am your strength” (Inner Word).
What true words! We humans like to be strong and to feel sure, but how often we experience that we are not. Sometimes we even have the impression that everything is crumbling under our feet. It seems that nothing can stop this world from jumping from one catastrophe to another. Political, social and even ecclesiastical realities are tottering, and man, in his weakness, feels powerless in the face of it all.
The security that the Lord offers us is not that which believes that we know it all and can deal with any situation in the world. Indeed, this apparent security would not reflect the strength that only God can communicate to us, but easily crumbles, showing us that we cannot rely on it.
In our Father, on the other hand, we can trust. Precisely when we perceive our human limitations, the Lord invites us not to be afraid of our weaknesses. They are part of our human existence after we have lost Paradise, and we can never overcome them in our own strength, no matter how hard we try. If we become aware of this, we will give up the unnecessary struggle of self-assurance, and we will receive a strength from another level: the strength of the Lord. In it, we will gain another perspective on life and awaken to reality.