“Morning by morning the Lord wakens my ear to hear as those who are taught” (Is 50:4).

Even before we wake up, the wisdom of God is waiting for us at the door. While we are still wrapped in dreams and often find it difficult to shake off our slumber, the Lord is already speaking to us, for He “neither slumbers nor sleeps” (Ps 121:4), and His love accompanies us even during the night.

If we listen to His voice, He will immediately invite us to prayer, so that we can consciously resume the relationship with Him of which we are rarely aware during the night of sleep. But our Father was and is always there.

What will this new day be like, will our Father’s voice awaken our ear early in the morning and will we be willing to listen to His voice, will He find us as a disciple, waiting attentively for what his Master has to say to him, eager to learn more about the Father’s infinite goodness on this new day and to walk in His light throughout the day?

After all, this day has been planned by our Father from all eternity. What has He planned for it and for us?

If we act with Christian prudence, we will not allow the world, with all its potential for distraction, to bombard us from the first moment of the day: the news, the newspaper, the Internet, the cell phone… All this must wait and not determine the virgin hours of the day.

How our Father rejoices when He finds us vigilant! How He rejoices to teach us and to communicate to us the mysteries of His love! It is as if He had been waiting all eternity for us to lend Him an ear this morning, to listen to His voice, to follow His instructions and to be fruitful for His Kingdom on this day.

It will be a day full of light to glorify the Father and to serve the salvation of souls.

And what about us? We will be accompanied by His peace.