(EPH 1:11-12)

“We (…) have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of his glory” (Eph 1:12).

If we want to discover our deepest destination and therefore our highest dignity as persons, the answer is divinely simple and infinitely profound. Our lives are meant to reflect the glory of our heavenly Father on earth, for we are made in His image.

This Bible verse says it all. Our Father has set His eyes on us and destined us to be like His Son, who glorified Him without equal on earth: “I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished the work which thou gavest me to do” (Jn 17:4).

Can there be a greater dignity for us human beings than to resemble the Son of God and to carry out the work that our Father has given us to do?

Even if we read all the books of the world, travel to all the continents of the earth, explore the sea and its depths, and even reach the stars, we will not find an answer that can surpass this simple phrase: “We have been destined for the praise of His glory”.

Our Father wants us to join the angels in praising His glory and that our lives bear witness to how good He is who created and redeemed us; how good He is who sanctifies us; how great is the joy of knowing our Father, serving Him, and living in Him.

And when we ask ourselves what we must do to serve God’s work and glorify Him, the answer is also divinely simple: “Jesus answered them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent'” (Jn 6:29).