“Every day is important, every hour I offer my salvation to humanity. You must serve this end for the joy of your Father who loves you” (Inner Word).

We Christians must wake up and live more and more consciously in the presence of our heavenly Father. Indeed, the vigilance of the Spirit teaches us to use every hour for the Kingdom of God. This does not mean being tense and anxious, overly concerned about each passing day. Rather, it is a vigilance of love that urges us to seize every opportunity the Lord gives us to serve the salvation of souls.

The certainty of the love that God offers us, manifested in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit, is a constant motivation to please our Father in a spirit of piety. This gift makes us understand that our actions are part of God’s plan of salvation for all people. Thus, everything we do in union with God can be fruitful for His kingdom. We human beings are not mere spectators and admirers of God’s work; we are called to be His co-workers.

Every day, every hour, in every possible way, we are to proclaim God’s declaration of love to humanity and make our own lives messengers of that declaration. It does not always have to be through external activities. Every effort to work in our own hearts under the guidance of the Holy Spirit glorifies our Father and transforms us into the image of Christ.

The more the Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of the Son of God, the more we will glorify the Father and He will be pleased with us. Then our Father Himself will make us fruitful for His Kingdom, day by day, hour by hour…