“Go your way day by day” (Interior Word).

In the Gospel, the Lord advises us not to worry about tomorrow, but to make the most of the present day (Mt 6:34).

How wise it is to focus all our attention on this day, which has been given to us and which must bear fruit for the Kingdom of God!

Far from neglecting the various duties entrusted to us, this attitude leads us to a greater awakening to the reality of God. We leave behind the unnecessary worries and fears that can torment us, and we become aware of the love of our Father who cares for us. We realize that He has given us this day and wants us to use it for His Kingdom. In this way we also store up treasures for eternity.

It is very helpful to enter into a dialogue with our Father as soon as we wake up, thanking Him for the new day that is beginning and offering Him this day so that His Will may be fulfilled in us. If we maintain the inner contact with the Lord throughout the day, we will more easily perceive His presence that accompanies us, and we will also more quickly understand the subtle corrections that exhort us to concentrate on the given reality and not to get lost in useless or insignificant things.

This concentration strengthens our will and our soul is shaped under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. She becomes attentive and vigilant and, as Saint Paul so rightly suggests, does not want to waste time (cf. Eph 5:16), without falling into unhealthy inner tension.

Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the soul is strengthened to face the challenges of the day. In the evening, meditating and examining herself before the Lord, she will be able to perceive whether she has followed the “golden thread” foreseen for the day.

In this way, day after day, she will follow her path in the grace of God until she reaches her goal, where the Father will be waiting for her!