First O antiphon: “O Sapientia”

O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High,

reaching from one end to the other,

mightily and sweetly ordering all things:

Come and teach us the way of prudence.

  You, O Wisdom, bring everything into holy order, for You come from the Eternal Father. Thou dost penetrate all things and, by Thy strength and gentleness, dost restore the divine order.

You, O Eternal Father, send the One “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). To meet Him, to open oneself to His love, is to be touched by Wisdom. Read More

Saint Lucia: bearer of light

In the midst of Advent, a bright light shines forth: it is a wise virgin whose name alone – and even more her witness – proclaims the Lord. She is Saint Lucia, the “light bearer”. She was one of those wonderful virgins who gave her life for Christ without hesitation. Like St. Agatha, St. Agnes, St. Catherine of Alexandria and so many others, Lucia was betrothed to only one man: Christ. This saint also has the honour of being mentioned every day in the canon of the Holy Mass.

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The virtue of fortitude (Part IV)

In yesterday’s meditation, we had heard that, according to St John of the Cross, when one makes the decision to follow Christ more intensely, the Devil tries to prevent the decisive step by instilling fear, distracting us and tempting us in various ways. Not infrequently the obstacles can come from people who are close to us, but who have not made up their minds to follow the Lord fully, nor do they understand this path. They may even be pious people, but who do not have a deep enough relationship with the Lord to understand the mystery between God and the soul called by Him. Thus, it may happen that these people feel they have to discourage or even warn against embarking on this more intense path.

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The virtue of fortitude (Part III)

We had reflected on the virtue of fortitude in context with the readings from the book of Maccabees; those courageous men and women of the People of Israel. I also pointed out that we need this virtue for our Christian witness in the world, which, in an extreme case, can go as far as martyrdom. We can train ourselves in the virtue of fortitude, and we should not be discouraged if we are naturally fearful. The story of the novice Blanche de la Force (narrated in Gertud von Le Fort’s novel “The Last One at the Scaffold”) can encourage these fearful souls, showing them that they too can be capable of heroic deeds. Read More

The virtue of fortitude (Part I)

The readings of the last few days presented us with impressive examples of faith, faithfulness and fortitude. I have therefore decided to dedicate some meditations to the cardinal virtue of fortitude. In these times of turmoil, it is particularly important to aspire to and practice this virtue, in order to be able to resist the various temptations that are presented to us. Let us take as our model those people we met in the readings of the last days, who showed us that obedience and faithfulness to God are above all earthly values and that, with God’s help, it is even possible to overcome fear.

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 A true conversion

It is with great joy that we look today at St. Augustine, whose conversion brought so much blessing to the Church. We can be sure that the prayer of his mother, St. Monica, and her struggle for him played an important role in Augustine’s finally finding the way to God. He himself wrote down his struggle in his so-called “Confessions”, a book that is always worth reading. He began to write it after the light of faith had shone on him; after he had understood how to live the following of Christ. Read More