MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (7/8): “Your light will drive away the darkness”

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Beloved Child, we have almost reached the end of these Christmas meditations, and also the year is about to end.

Beloved Lord, it has been such a strange and even absurd year for many people… To whom can they turn if not to You, who even in such confusing times are present, and perhaps in a special way when You see people’s need and distress?

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MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (6/8): “Nothing can separate us from Your love”

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Hardly had You come into the world, O Divine Child, when Your parents had to flee with You to Egypt. The obedience of Your adoptive father, St. Joseph, in leaving immediately after having received this order in a dream, is admirable (Mt 2:13-14).

Toil, hardship and adversity, suffering and death characterise this world as a consequence of sin, and we would be lost forever if it were not for the fact that You came to us and brought us the light of hope.

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MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (5/8): “Light for revelation to the gentiles”

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As Jews faithful to the Law of the Lord, eight days after Your birth Your parents circumcised You and gave You the name of Jesus, the Saviour (Lk 2:21).

When, forty days later, they brought You to the Temple to present You to the Lord, You met Simeon, one of the faithful of Your people (Lk 2:22-25). The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen you. And so it happened! Filled with the Holy Spirit and taking You in His arms, He pronounced over You those unforgettable words:

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