Significance of the Father’s Message

The father speaks to his children, Part 19

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As I had communicated yesterday, I will continue until Saturday with the meditations on the “Message of the Father”. This is divided into two parts. In the previous reflections, I had followed the order of the booklet almost completely. Read More

Reflection on the Pandemic, Part 4

The Holy Rosary, this eminent prayer, should be part of the “daily spiritual bread”

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Sadly, we have to note that in this difficult crisis we have practically no official leadership from the Church to show the faithful the way forward in this situation. Since this is how things stand, we must abandon ourselves especially to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who will not leave us without instructions or allow the faithful to be left alone in the midst of the crisis. Read More

Reflection on the pandemic, Part 3

“If we are deprived of the sacraments through no fault of our own, we must learn to activate other dimensions in our spiritual journey and practice.”

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To contextualize, I’ll first summarize what we’ve talked about over the past two days…

I called the outbreak of this pandemic a permission from God, which is to be understood as a rebuke from Him, so that we may seek Him, turn from the ways of perdition and choose the way of truth. Read More

Reflection on the Pandemic, Part 2

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Yesterday we had spoken of this pandemic as being a permission from God, and representing a rebuke from Him. I had mentioned the reasons why this would be understandable on the part of God’s love and care, in view of the increasing “culture of death”.

It is, in the first place, about the eternal salvation of men. Yes, man is to be saved from his lost life and from his alienation from God, and he is to live as a child of the Heavenly Father and be sheltered under His love, already in this world and, in full, in eternity. Read More

Reflection on the pandemic, Part 1

General reflections

“Now the decisive questions arise: What is essential in life? Where do we come from? Where are we going?”

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It is difficult for me to ignore the fact that we are in a great crisis worldwide, which has apocalyptic features. The seriousness of the situation becomes clear when one considers the many restrictions at the civilian level, to the extent that personal freedom is significantly limited in various fields. Even more difficult for the faithful is the fact that many are no longer able to receive the sacraments, so that they are deprived of the comfort that the Church normally offers her children. Read More

To witness God’s love

The father speaks to his children, Part 18

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Father’s words taken from the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“My hour has come! It is necessary that he be known, loved and glorified by men so that, having created them, I can be their Father, then their Savior and finally the source of their eternal happiness.   Read More

To know the Father more deeply

The father speaks to his children, Part 16

“You are the light of the world” (Mt 5,14)

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Father’s words taken from the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

 “I recognize that you honor me in my Son, and that there are people who know how to raise everything to me through my Son; but they are few, very few. However, do not think that by glorifying my Son you do not glorify me as well. Of course you glorify me in this way, because I live in my Son! Therefore, whatever is to His glory is also to mine.   Read More

God’s humility

The father speaks to his children, Part 15

“Your heart is therefore as sensitive as Mine, and Mine as yours!”

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Father’s words taken from the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“In the Exodus you can read that God is to be honored with special worship. Especially the psalms of David contain this teaching. In the commandments that I myself gave to Moses I put in the first place ‘You shall love and honor God and you shall have no other gods besides me. Read More

To know better the love of the Father

The father speaks to his children, Part 14

To know the Father through the Son

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Father’s words taken from the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“No one has yet understood the infinite desires of my heart for God the Father, to be known, loved and honored by all men, righteous and sinful. Therefore, it is these three tributes that I wish to receive from man, so that I may be, even with the greatest sinners, always merciful and good. Read More

Our soul: tabernacle of the Father

The father speaks to his children, Part 13

God wants to establish our soul as a tabernacle, in which He can always dwell.

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Father’s words taken from the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“Now that I have shown you that my Son Jesus represents me among men, and that through him I live constantly in their midst, I want to show you also how I come to you through my Holy Spirit. Read More