Prayer to the Holy Trinity (Part 2)

To the Son of God

“On the third day You rose from the dead”

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Especially at a time when the whole of humanity is affected by a pandemic and religious circles are discussing whether it can be a punishment of God, which some affirmative others strictly reject, it is important to look directly at God.

In all adversity, as the Psalms – the great prayer book of the Old Testament – teach us, we praise God. It is a time when our trust in God is in demand. This is especially true when circumstances cannot be explained to us and we ask ourselves where the Lord is and why all this is happening. Read More

Prayer to the Holy Trinity (Part 1)

To God the Father

“You gave Your only begotten Son for the life of the whole world, so that Your people and all the peoples of the earth might find their salvation in Him.”

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In these difficult times we are not seldom asked for spiritual help, which we are glad to give. That is why today I would like to introduce to you a prayer which we pray in our community every morning at the beginning of the day. It can be sung, recited, simply spoken or even just moved in the heart. Read More

Redeemed by love!

Good Friday

Suffering and death of our Lord!

Jesus is nailed to the cross

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Judas has completed his betrayal and Jesus is taken captive! This happens after the Lord in Gethsemane has received the suffering from the Father’s hand and has said His yes to all that now lay before Him!

A yes that went through fear and pain of death!

A yes, after he had asked his father that this cup should pass him by!

A yes of total surrender to the Father!

A yes out of love for us humans! Read More

The devoted service of Christ!

Maundy Thursday

The Last Supper

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Preliminary remark: I created these meditations 2018, so they are repetitions. At that time the present painful situation was not yet foreseeable. That is why there are formulations which refer to the normal course of the Holy Masses. Read More

Thirty pieces of silver

Holy Wednesday

Judas’ betrayal

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(Daily Reading: Mt 26,14-25)

The betrayal of God, at the price of unjust mammon! How often does that happen?

How often do people sell themselves for mammon, for their honor, their disorderly lust, their power…

Thirty pieces of silver they gave to Judas and knew that blood was on this money! But it was not only the blood of a man, which would be bad enough! No, it was the blood of the Son of God; that blood which saves them! It was the blood of the Lamb, which was given away for the world! They paid the traitor! Read More

One of you shall deliver me

Holy Tuesday

They were at supper… Jesus was deeply disturbed and declared, ‘In all truth I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.’

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Jn 13,21-38

Having said this, Jesus was deeply disturbed and declared, ‘In all truth I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.’ The disciples looked at each other, wondering whom he meant. Read More

The love to Jesus

Holy Monday

Painting in the Church in Bethany

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Jn 12,1-11

Six days before the Passover, Jesus went to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom he had raised from the dead. They gave a dinner for him there; Martha waited on them and Lazarus was among those at table. Mary brought in a pound of very costly ointment, pure nard, and with it anointed the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair; the house was filled with the scent of the ointment. Read More

Trust and the introduction of a feast

The father speaks to his children, Part 21

It is the desire of the Father that this image be spread everywhere as a sign of his presence.

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Today we come to the end with the father’s message of the first part of the booklet. It has accompanied us during this Lent until Palm Sunday, and also during the difficult time of crisis which humanity is now experiencing due to the pandemic, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated. Read More

The Father’s Delight and Our Paradise

The father speaks to his children, Part 20

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Father’s words:

“As for the souls who live in justice and sanctifying grace, I show My happiness by living in them. I give them Myself. I transmit to them the use of My power and through My love they find a foretaste of heaven in Me, their Father and their Saviour!” Read More