God’s light in the prophets: Bethlehem is coming closer

The Long Road to Bethlehem, Part 5

“The young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.” (Isa 7,14)

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God keeps the longing for salvation alive in His people.

The tragedy of the experience of one’s own sin, the imperfection of life, the longing for fulfilment, searching for a real life that God has planned for us, to search for God himself, is maintained by the prophets. He will come who redeems Israel and the nations. Read More

Judges, kings and prophets

The Long Road to Bethlehem, Part 4

The prophet Jeremiah

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It would be so easy if all people would submit to the loving rule of God, let themselves be filled by His Spirit and live a full and holy life in this intimate love relationship with God and with each other.

Is this a dream? Is it something that lives only in our desires and in our imagination, because we want to escape a reality that often looks so very different? An illusion?

No, it is not a dream! Read More

Abraham and Israel

The Long Road to Bethlehem, Part 3

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God’s love finds those who do not close their heart. Not all turn away from Him, not all walk indifferently through their time on earth, not all remain asleep and keep their ears closed to the call of God. There are also the faithful!

God finds Abraham, the father of believers! Read More

The search of God for man

The Long Road to Bethlehem, Part 2

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Adam, where are you?

The heart of God seeks the man who has turned away from him in the seduction of the powers of darkness.

God is always searching for us, as Jesus later shows us in the parable of the prodigal son (cf. Lk 15:11-32). Read More

God loves us since eternity

The Long Road to Bethlehem, Part 1

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As announced yesterday, the daily interpretations during the Advent season during the week will primarily serve the contemplative deepening of the Sunday lecture, which is uploaded on YouTube in English with a Spanish translation. Read More

The coming of the Lord to the earth

First Sunday of Advent

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Today’s reflection on the first Sunday in Advent should be seen as a foreword to our plans for the “short Lent” of Advent.

During these weeks of preparation for the feast of the birth of Christ, the daily reflections are linked to four lectures on the Advent season, which I will publish on my YouTube channel on the corresponding Sunday in Advent:


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Trust in God

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The seventh of the month is reserved for a meditation from God the Father. I take the text of the meditation from the “God the Father speaks to his Children” by Mother Eugenia Ravasio, a message recognised by the Church.

“I have raised you all to that dignity which is due to children of God; yes, you are my sons and daughters and you are to tell me that I am your Father. Do not fail to trust me accordingly, for without this trust you will never attain true freedom.” Read More

Asceticism, Part 5

Asceticism is part of our armor for the spiritual battle.

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Today we turn to the subject of how to deal with thoughts and feelings in the sense of spiritual efforts, in which asceticism is included.

“Perverse thoughts, however, separate people from God” (Wis 1:3) “for the holy spirit of instruction… recoils from unintelligent thoughts” (Wis 1:5). Read More

Asceticism, Part 4

“Blessed are the pure in heart: they shall see God.” (Mt 5:8)

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If we have learned to order our flow of speech and not just let it flow unhindered to the outside world, then the question now is what and how we say it.

The apostle admonishes us: “No foul word should ever cross your lips… do good to your listeners” (Eph 4:29) and and elsewhere he tells us: “now you also must give up all these things: (…) abusive language and dirty talk” (Col 3:8) Read More

Asceticism, Part 3

Our Lady of Silence

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The fight against our disorderly tendencies cannot be limited to the sensual sphere, which must be circumcised and tamed so as not to weaken us and possibly even make us more ready to sin. It must also be applied to disordered spiritual inclinations, for these also burden the soul. Read More