Using the grace of the message!

The father speaks to his children, Part 34

“I ask all of you to use Holy Mass as a means of doing so and to celebrate it according to the liturgy.”

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In the Father’s message it says:

“In order to be able to give you true happiness in this life and the life beyond, I want you to do everything that I ask of you in this light. Time is precious, use it and do not miss the love that is now so tangibly offered to your heart. I ask all of you to use Holy Mass as a means of doing so and to celebrate it according to the liturgy. This is very close to my heart…. Read More

Looking at the people outside the Holy Church

The father speaks to his children, Part 33

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After the ever stronger growing together of peoples the question becomes important for the church how it should deal with the non-Christian religions. It has increasingly chosen the path of dialogue with other religions. In the texts of the Second Vatican Council – which understood itself as a so-called pastoral council and therefore did not put the emphasis on the doctrinal statements – those sides of other religions were emphasized which one evaluates as positive. Read More

Childlike Trust in God

The father speaks to his children, Part 32

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On July 22nd we already touched on this topic in our reflections, but we wanted to deepen this very important point once again.

It is part of a spiritually ordered life to meet the Lord and all that he has created in his love in the right way, or we could also say to give the appropriate answer. This is very important to God himself, as we can see from the following lines: Read More

Respect the commandments of God!

“What I expect from you is the faithful observance of the commandments.”

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All people must be led to keep the commandments of God. There is no way around it if life is to succeed and true peace is to reign. Already in the times of the Old Covenant, the transgressions of God’s commandments led to bitter consequences and to further apostasy from God if there was no conversion. Read More

Become apostles of my fatherly goodness

The father speaks to his children, Part 30

The growing fervor in the zeal of the righteous would bring about the return of the “Prodigal Sons” to their Father’s house.

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We heard yesterday what significance it has for the Lord that the heavenly Father is glorified. Jesus did it perfectly. But also we humans are called to glorify God in the way that corresponds to our vocation. We should sincerely search for it and let the Spirit of the Lord show it to us. We only have this short time of life to manifest His glory in the light of God on earth, which is often enough a “vale of tears”. There is no time to lose to put one’s life on the scales of love and let oneself be inflamed by the Spirit of the Lord. Read More

The heart of Jesus

The father speaks to his children, Part 29

The most burning desire of Jesus´heart is to glorify the Father, the One who sent him.

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There is no greater desire for our Lord Jesus than to glorify His Father. That is what he has come to do, to introduce us to him. If we love the Lord more and more, then this desire also becomes our desire: The complete glorification of our Father, the praise of his goodness! Read More

Primacy of Love of God

The father speaks to his children, Part 28

Place this Father in the midst of your love.

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We have already pointed out in the preceding meditations that the fulfillment of the first commandment to love God with all one’s heart and with all one’s strength is the basis for all actions arising from love. The good that we do on the basis of our decision will only gains its full splendour when it is done, witnessed and thus also serves for its glorification in our union with God. Read More

Healing and deliverance

The father speaks to his children, Part 27

I myself come and bring to you the burning fire of the law of love, so that with his help, the immense layer of ice that holds humanity imprisoned may melt.

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With the knowledge of the Lord and the experience of His love, our life in the depths of our being becomes less cramped. We come home more and more spiritually and emotionally, because our true home is the fellowship with God and His own. Read More

God’s will to redeem

The father speaks to his children, Part 26

The false image of God: one of the consequences of original sin.

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In the Holy Scriptures and in the proclamation of the Church we encounter the concrete salvific will of God, who wants all people to be saved. We know where God’s will of salvation has led him: to death on the cross of the Lord, to redeem all people. Can there be a greater love?

No! Read More

Love of God and Mission

The father speaks to his children, Part 25

“The missionaries have spoken and still speak of God as far as they know Him, but I assure you, you do not know Me as I am.

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If we understand mission, that is, the mission of the Risen One to preach the Gospel to all creatures (cf. Mt 28,19), as the seeking love of our Father for His children, then we come very close to the innermost heart of God. He has entrusted participation in this search for his children and thus opened a deep desire of his heart. Read More