A SERIES ON THE SPIRITUAL LIFE – Preparation for Prayer

The best preparation for prayer, which at the same time is its very fruit, is the focus of our life on God. This means, in the first instance, living in a state of grace; that is, in conformity with the divine will.

Only under this condition can prayer be profoundly effective and can God penetrate our hearts. We will then become more and more capable of listening to God, of understanding Him and of seeking Him deeply. We will not have to begin each time by removing fundamental obstacles that impede the exchange with God.

Communication with God is a necessity of the soul. Read More

SERIES ON THE SPIRITUAL LIFE – Introduction to Prayer

Over the next few days we would like to offer our listeners a series of meditations on the theme of prayer. They can certainly be helpful in the spiritual life. If any of our listeners would like to continue listening to the Bible meditations for each day, they can follow the links at the end of the text.

Today will simply be an introduction, while in the next few days we will develop the preparation for prayer, the sufferings of prayer, the different forms of prayer, etc. I hope that the meditations that follow will help us to more deeply appreciate the value of prayer and encourage us to practice it. Read More

FEAST OF GOD THE FATHER: “Father of all humanity”

Through the meditations of the last few days, we have had the opportunity to encounter God the Father more closely. Sometimes negative experiences that we may have had in our lives prevent us from recognizing the true image of God, for example, if the relationship with our biological father was rather problematic. However, one should not get caught up in these experiences; instead, it becomes even more necessary to discover God as our loving Father, who is able to heal our wounds and fill any inner emptiness with Himself. Read More

Novena to God the Father | Day 9: “At the service of the love of God Father”

This novena, which we have concluded today, has been aimed at showing us the love of the Father, so that we can experience it as the source of our joy. During these nine days we have been invited to deepen our trust in God, to glorify Him, to love Him and to enter into an intimate friendship with Him.

God’s joy is to be in the midst of us, the people. And this applies to each and every one of us. Read More

Novena to God the Father | Day 8: “Loving our Father”

The best thing we can give our Father is our sincere love. Let us remember what Jesus said: “He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me” (Jn 14:21). This is the constant and necessary response for God’s love not only to go out to us, but to penetrate us. As long as we do not live according to the commandments, God will knock at the door of our heart to let Him in. If we open the door, the Father, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, will come to dwell in us (cf. Jn 14:23). Read More

Novena to God the Father | Day 7: “Honour our father”

“Honor to whom honor is due” (Rom 13:7). This  applies to our Father more than to anyone else! To Him belong “honour, glory and praise”, as the hymn of the Apocalypse so beautifully proclaims (Rev 5:12).

If we could only catch a glimpse of heaven and see how He is constantly honoured by the angels and saints who live in loving and full communion with Him, our attitude towards God would be profoundly transformed. Read More

Novena to God the Father | Day 6: “To know our Father”

In 1932, God the Father appeared to an Italian nun, Sister Eugenia Ravasio. She wrote down the message that the Heavenly Father had entrusted to her. After a long and detailed examination, the local bishop of Grenoble, the place where the apparitions took place, recognised the authenticity of the message. As a result, we have received an especially valuable booklet entitled “The Father Speaks to His Children” (you can download it from this link: https://fatherspeaks.net/eugenia_msg.html). Read More

Novena to God the Father | Day 5: ‘The generosity of our Father’

Generosity is one of the characteristics of God. With great joy He shares with us His immeasurable riches. He wants to give us not only life, but “life in abundance” (cf. Jn 10:10).

Endless joy and happiness await us in eternity: death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more” (Rev 21:4). God Himself will be our reward! Read More