Mary Queen of Heaven

Mary Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Church

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In past meditations, starting from the text in Ezekiel (Ezek 28, 1-19), I have spoken about the work of the fallen angel, which we must become aware of in order not to be blinded. Unfortunately, Lucifer is also working in our Church and he has become very influential. It is very painful to perceive this, especially when we are able to recognize his work right up to the church leadership, which cannot be overlooked.  Read More

First criteria to classify the pandemic and the reactions to it

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I pointed out in the last reflection that we will not get a key to the interpretation of the current corona pandemic if we do not include the question of God.

It is the core to get answers that lead to the right actions and also to the discernment of spirits. Read More

”Dominus Jesus” Part 2

“With the coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ, God has willed that the Church founded by him be the instrument for the salvation of all humanity.”

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In spite of the abundance of this subject area, it is appropriate in the context of daily spiritual reflection to work out only the most essential points in order to give the faithful the right orientation as to how the relationship of the Catholic Church to other religions is to be evaluated. This is all the more important, however, because a certain disorientation is spreading and with it an uncertainty with regard to the proclamation of the faith. Read More

“Dominus Jesus”

Faith in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of mankind, has been revealed by God.

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The topic of yesterday still needs to be deepened and classified, because dealing with other religions and currents of thought from the perspective of faith is essential. Our world has meanwhile become so “small” and on the way of globalization, so that it is helpful for faithful Catholics to know how other religions are to be dealt with in a right way from the view of faith. Also the question how to assess the ecumenical efforts moves some believers. Read More

Answering questions – About yoga

It is essential to activate the spiritual richness of our faith.

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Actually, I had already finished the daily interpretation of the Scriptures – the reading of the day – and was about to record it with sound. Then I noticed that I had confused the year of reading and had to think of something different, because I had already sent the interpretation of the Gospel of the day last year. Read More

Feast of God Father

Conclusion of the meditations on the Fathers Message

The father speaks to his children, Part 39

The essential thing is that you honor me as I have said and establish a feast in my honor.

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Today when we celebrate the feast of our heavenly Father. We will just listen to the words of the Holy Scripture accompanied by Musica Sacra sung by Harpa Dei.

In the end I will present a prayer which might be like an answer we could give to the mediations we shared about the Fathers book. You are heartily invited to pray it and may be invite others to do it also! Read More

Our heart as God’s resting place

The father speaks to his children, Part 37

“After having commissioned my Son to introduce the Holy Eucharist, I resolved to enter into you each time you receive the Holy Host!”

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In today’s text of the Father Book, the heavenly Father reveals an ardent desire to which I would like to subscribe. The thirty-nine reflections related to the revelation of the Father to Sr. Eugenia have an essential goal: to find hearts in which God our Father can dwell, in which he is at home. Read More

True children of God

The father speaks to his children, Part 36

“Through my Son I have accepted you in my infinite love as children.”

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Yesterday we reflected on true peace and freedom, which can only be realized as a gift from God and become possible in accordance with God’s commandments. The Father’s words made it clear that only within His law can we live our existence fully and not come into conflict with God and ourselves. Read More

True peace and freedom

The father speaks to his children, Part 35

“You will never be able to live in true freedom or true happiness unless you recognize me as your Father.”

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How great is the longing for peace! But peace alone is not enough, it is about a true peace that cannot be broken immediately. Without devaluing all serious efforts for peace, there is more at stake. For like everything that is given to us human beings, true peace also comes from God. It is the same with the striving for freedom. Read More