Asceticism, Part 2

“But if by the Spirit you put to death the habits originating in the body, you will have life.” (Rom 8,13b)

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As we saw yesterday, asceticism is about becoming more docile to the will of God and not allowing ourselves to be dominated by the inclinations of our fallen nature. It is therefore a means, a necessary effort, which is linked to a goal, namely to improve our disposition to unite ourselves with the will of God. From this point of view, ascetic exercises and asceticism get their deeper meaning and dignity. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 9

Concluding remarks

To all of them I thank from the bottom of my heart.

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If we consider the four basic frameworks that we listed in yesterday’s reflection, we have a good starting point to resist the threat of the Antichrist.

Once again, let us remember: Unequivocal church doctrine, unambiguous morality, true mission and ardent pursuit of holiness. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 8

Basic armour for resistance against anti-Christian powers

“Put on the full armour of God so as to be able to resist the devil’s tactics.” (Eph 6,11) (St Joan of Arc statue)

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This is the penultimate reflection on the Antichrist in the context of daily meditations.

I know very well that many questions are still open and need further study. That is why I will point out again tomorrow in the last meditation that the continuation of this theme will be done in a different way, especially for those who see themselves addressed by the Lord and want consciously oppose the antichristian tendencies and forces. For the wide circle who listen to the daily speeches, general advice may be enough for now. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 7

The Antichrist Threat working in our church

The spirit of the Antichrist is increasingly present in the Church and exerts a strong influence.

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Now that we have looked at the question of the Antichrist from different sides, have referred to relevant passages from the Holy Scriptures, and have included literature and also the prophetic realm, the urgent question arises as to how strongly the antichristian spirit works and exerts influence in our church.

In my view, I regret to say that this spirit is increasingly present in the Church and exerts a strong influence. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 6

The threat in the church

We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.

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All that we have heard about the Antichrist in the past reflections clearly shows the great danger that antichristian activities bring to people. It is the serious and perhaps even last attempt of the devil to extend his rule globally to the whole earth, to subjugate it and, if possible, to lead it to worship himself. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 5

Characteristics of the Antichrist

Representation of the rule of the Antichrist

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We can summarise from the Holy Scriptures and literature some characteristics of a coming Antichrist without claiming to be complete or to be absolutely certain.

The Antichrist or the “the lost One” (2 Thess 2,3) will appear as the world ruler. In contrast to the past, where corresponding Antichrists exposed themselves relatively quickly as violent dictators, the coming Antichrist is described as a kind of global peace bringer, who is equipped with a special charisma and corresponding political powers to achieve his goals. Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 4

The Antichrist according to Robert Benson and Michael D. O Brian

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We continued the topic with two other authors. The contribution of Robert Benson, an English priest, who wrote the book: “The Lord of the World”, I will only briefly summarize, because I already reported in more detail in the daily meditations on May 20th, 2020. This is recommended to read in

Meditation “The Lord of the world”

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The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 3

“Short Story of the Antichrist” of Soloviev

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Today we take a look at how the Antichrist is portrayed in the literature I know.

He is described primarily as a political figure gifted with an extraordinary charisma, offering solutions to the pressing political and social problems! Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 2

The Antichrist and many Antichrists, testimony of the Holy Scriptures

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The coming of an Antichrist at the end of the times before the return of Christ is expected by watchful Christians who know the Holy Scriptures and the relevant passages. In the literature we also know references to the adversary of Christ.

Sacred Scripture speaks of the fact that many antichrists have appeared, as the following passage from the Epistle of John testifies: Read More

The Anti-Christian Threat and its Defence, Part 1


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To all those who receive the daily speeches:

The present pandemic, but also many threatening scenarios in the world in general, including in our holy Church, are causing quite a few people to be not in peace. More and more questions are being asked, and I too am being asked whether the time has come to withdraw more into the countryside, to leave the big cities, whether the events foretold by the prophet Daniel are coming to pass (cf. Dan 7 and Dan 12), whether the apocalyptic horsemen of the revelation of St. John are on their way (cf. Rev 6,1-8), whether we will be forced to vaccinate against Covid 19 with a substance that also contains embryological tissue, whether something will even be introduced into the vaccines that will make the person sick, or whether we will observed and followed in all our movements, and whether we are heading towards a dictatorship in the sense of a one-world order, and many more fears and observations. Read More