The gift of God’s love

Preparation for Christmas, Part 5

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The promise is fulfilled, it has come true. God becomes visible to us.

Jesus’ favourite disciple will later say:

“The Word became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (Jn 1:14) Read More

Preparation for Christmas, Part 4

“A child is born to us, and he is called: Strong God.”[i]

“In him all the peoples of the earth will be blessed.”[ii]

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Actually, all people are waiting for him even if they do not know it,

for we are created for him.

Actually, all people seek him even if they do not know it,

for God has put this search within them. Read More

Why should I still be afraid?

Preparation for Christmas, Part 3

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With the child comes a new time, the hour of grace.

All are called, all are invited to receive it.

God makes it easy for us to come to him.

The tenderness of the child proclaims: Do not be afraid, I am here!

Why should I still be afraid?

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The Grotto of Bethlehem

Preparation for Christmas, Part 2


The Grotto of Bethlehem

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What is the Lord trying to tell us by the fact that he was not born in a royal palace with earthly wealth, but in a grotto in Bethlehem?

We remember Jesus’ word: “Mine is not a kingdom of this world” (Jn 18:36).

It was simple shepherds who were the first to hear the good news of the angels. Read More

Preparation for Christmas – Part 1

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During the first three weeks of Advent, we prepared for the coming of the Lord from three different perspectives.

  • We have looked at the historical dimension through the biblical texts and the liturgy, which visualises the coming of the Saviour in its liturgy.
  • Looking at the birth of Christ in us should help us to perceive the biblical event also in our souls, because the Lord does not only want to be born in Bethlehem, but also to live in our hearts in real life.

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False prophets and afflictions

Come, Lord Jesus Maranatha! – Part 7

Opposite the false prophets, were those true prophets who proclaimed God’s word to us unadulterated.

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Before we enter the last days before the so tender feast of the birth of Jesus starting tomorrow, it is still necessary to draw attention to further occurrences before the coming of the Lord at the end of time.

We spoke about the painful apostasy that precedes the coming of Jesus and we should also point out the appearance of “false prophets”. Read More

The Apostasy and the Antichrist

Come, Lord Jesus Maranatha! Part 6

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The proclamation of the Gospel with special attention to the conversion (enlightenment) of the Jews are important building blocks to prepare the coming of the Lord in love. This can take up all of our time, because a fruitful proclamation also requires a corresponding way of life. Who would like to stand before the Lord one day and be told that although they passed on good words, they lacked inner strength because word and testimony were too far apart! Read More

The Conversion of the Jews

Come, Lord Jesus Maranatha! – Part 5

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One of the signs that precedes the Second Coming of the Lord is the conversion of the Jews. This specifically means that many Jews accept the Gospel and recognise Jesus as the Messiah.

One may ask why the conversion of Israel has such significance, so that with the return of the Lord the conversion of the people of Israel is mentioned as a sign. Read More

Proclaiming the Gospel

Come, Lord Jesus Maranatha! – Part 4

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Vigilance, as well as the attentive gathering of oil into our lamps like the prudent virgins of the Gospel (cf. Mt 25:1-13), were the themes of the previous reflections. Both ways are suitable to grow the love that is needed so that we do not get tired in the length of our life and waiting for the Lord. Read More

Love awakens!

Come, Lord Jesus Maranatha! – Part 3

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We spoke in the last meditation about watchfulness as a basic attitude of the believer who waits for the Lord’s return: a watchfulness that awakens us from the general spiritual sleepiness and makes us attentive to his approaching coming and also to what precedes the return of Christ. Read More