443rd Meditation

“There is a fine golden thread running through our lives. If we find this thread and follow it, our life becomes less exhausting and more fruitful. This ‘golden thread’ is the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which is quite fine and subtle. If we follow it, everything we do will be even more marked by the supernatural and, consequently, we will do it with more agility” (based on an “inner word”). Read More


442nd Meditation

“You are my friend and confidant” (Inner Word).

In the Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio, the Father offers Himself to us as a friend and confidant, and makes us understand that this is how we will reach the fullness of love: when we have learned to love Him as He desires, “that is, not only as a Father, but as a friend and confidant”. Read More


441st Meditation

“Gentleness, combined with the clarity of the Spirit, is irresistible to those who seek the truth” (Interior Word).

These words reflect what God Himself is like, while inviting us to become like Him. It is the Holy Spirit who can lead us to adopt more and more the attitude of God. It is He who produces in us the fruits of the Spirit and forms us into the image of God. Let us think of the fruit of gentleness and the gift of understanding and wisdom, which resonate particularly in today’s sentence. Read More


440th Meditation

“How I rejoice to be among you, hour by hour, day by day!” (Inner Word).

Our Father’s declarations of love are innumerable and move the heart.

If we human beings were to interiorise these words, a wonderful horizon would open up in our lives. Indeed, how different it is to live with the certainty of being children loved and sought after by God than to believe, as is so often the case, that we have to beg for love in order to feel valued! No, it is not necessary to fight for this love, it is already there, always and forever. It is indestructible! Only we ourselves can move away from God’s love, but without our Father ceasing to love us, because “God is love” (1Jn 4:8b). Read More


439th Meditation

“Surrender to Me all that wants to overwhelm you; I am your Father” (Inner Word).

Is it not a great contradiction if, in spite of knowing our Saviour and experiencing the goodness of our Heavenly Father, we still seem to be down and depressed in life? Do we not know where to go with our faults? Are we unaware of how willing God is to forgive them if we sincerely repent? Read More