472nd Meditation

How much has our Father cared for us in opening to us the ways of salvation! His treasures are always accessible to us. Unfortunately, we often pass by without taking advantage of them, and all too often the Lord remains alone in the tabernacle, unvisited. Yet He waits longingly for us to come and thus allow Him to bestow His blessings upon us. What an immense value has the Holy Mass, which makes present the sacrifice of Jesus’ infinite love on the Cross: “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps 34:9). Read More


471st Meditation

How incomparably does the love of God shine forth on the cross:

The love of the Father, who sent His Son to redeem us; the love of the Son for His Father and for us men; the love of the Holy Spirit, who reveals this event of love more deeply to us and makes it present in us.

“But as for me, it is out of the question that I should boast at all, except of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”, exclaims St Paul (Gal 6:14). Read More


470th Meditation

In His compassion, our Father embraces our entire reality. As Creator he has granted us a wonderful existence as human beings, which we must live fully in His grace. He always invites us to receive everything from His hand, so that we can lead a life that corresponds to our vocation. Our Father has thought of us from all eternity, and when the time came to call us into existence, He lovingly pronounced his creative “Yes”. If we were more aware of this, that God-given peace would always dwell in our hearts. Read More


469th Meditation

“As far as trust is concerned, it is enough to know one’s weaknesses and tell the Lord that we want to put all our trust in Him. The measure of Divine Providence in us is the trust we place in it. Let us abandon ourselves unreservedly to this holy Providence and remain in its arms like a child in its mother’s womb!” (Letter of St. Francis de Sales to St. Jeanne de Chantal). Read More


468th Meditation

“And you, My children, who have lost the faith and live in the darkness, raise your eyes, you will see shining rays coming to illuminate you” (The Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

The situation of those who have lost their faith is one of great need. Let us think, for example, of a religious or a priest who has abandoned his vocation. Perhaps he started well, trying to serve his Lord with great fervour. But then temptations came and he ended up falling into them. The more he fell, the less he was able to resist – and perhaps no longer wanted to. So love grew colder and colder, and darkness spread. And this darkness weighs especially heavily on those who were once close to the Lord. How difficult it is for them to return! Read More


467th Meditation

“Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Mt 12:50).

With these words, Jesus makes us understand in what the deepest unity between God and humanity consists.

Certainly, we are all called to live as children of God and to love and respect one another. But this fraternity can only be fully realized when we fulfill the condition that Jesus mentions by striving with all our will and with all our heart to do the Will of our Father. Then the closest bond with the Son of God is formed and we become “one spirit” with Him. And not only with Him, but with all the believers here on earth and with the whole heavenly family whose joy it is to always do the Father’s Will. Read More


466th Meditation


“I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes” (Mt 11:25).

In these words of Jesus we can perceive how much He rejoices in the wisdom of His Father. If we praise the Father for His wisdom as we come to know and love Him more and more each day, how much more will our Lord do so! As His beloved Son, He understands the Heavenly Father on another level. He knows the glory of the Father in all its fullness, without the limitations that we human beings have. Read More


464th Meditation

“But at the end of time You sent Your Son – our Lord Jesus Christ – and You required of Yourself the sacrifice that Abraham was not made to offer. You gave Your only begotten Son for the life of the whole world, so that Your people and all the peoples of the earth might find their salvation in Him” (Hymn of Praise to the Most Holy Trinity). Read More