482nd Meditation

“Do not grieve when you feel your weakness. On the contrary, rejoice, for I am your defense and your victory” (Inner Word).

It is very important for us to know that our Father does not measure us by our weaknesses. Rather, we should be aware that His goodness accompanies us precisely in those areas where we feel weak. Of course, as we follow the Lord, we must work on our weaknesses and not just give in to them. But in His wisdom, our Father leaves us certain weaknesses so that we do not become proud and always remember that it is He who gives us the victory. Read More


480th Meditation

“The Holy Spirit is always ready to enlighten and strengthen you” (Message of the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

The great gift of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son, causes our soul to be enlightened by the supernatural light of God, so that we learn to see everything from the perspective of our Heavenly Father. He is the light of light, and as soon as we turn to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to enlighten us, He will open our inner eyes so that we can better see and perceive the glory of the Father. Read More


479th Meditation

“I desire that the tangible sign of My invisible presence be a picture to show that I am really present. Thus, all men will carry out all their actions under their Father’s gaze” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

This is one of the desires that our Heavenly Father communicated to Mother Eugenia Ravasio. As a result, a picture of God the Father was made and spread. I (Br. Elijah), who is writing this meditation, asked a Bulgarian iconographer to write an icon according to the specifications of the existing image. This icon is in the crypt of perpetual adoration in our monastery in Germany, and when we receive requests, we also send copies of this image (contact@jemael.org). Read More


478th Meditation

“May the glory of the Lord endure for ever, may the Lord rejoice in his works,

may my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord” (Ps 104:31,34).

How wonderful it is when, instead of looking at ourselves, we learn to focus our hearts on God; when we no longer spend so much time looking at ourselves, but rather seek to do what pleases the Lord! Indeed, when we begin to seek to please Him, when we ask our Heavenly Father how we can bring Him joy today, our eyes are lifted up and we can easily find the “golden clue” that will mark our day. Read More


477th Meditation

“I am making Myself similar to you so as to make you similar to Me” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Our Heavenly Father wants us to know Him. He cannot introduce us to the eternal contemplation of His glory, face to face, without first preparing us. We must first make our way on earth as redeemed human beings. In the person of His Son, our Father descends into our human nature and becomes one of us, “equal to us in all things except sin” (Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.D.). Thus God descends and communicates Himself to us in the realm of our human experience. Read More


476th Meditation

“Remember the wonderful works that he has done, the wonders he wrought, the judgments he uttered” (1 Cro 16:12).

Sacred Scripture never tires of reminding us of God’s wonders and praising his wise precepts. Indeed, it is very easy for us human beings to forget what our heavenly Father has done, is doing and will continue to do for us. Read More


475th Meditation

“If your soul dwells too long in the world of nothingness, it becomes emptier” (Inner Word).

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” – says the Lord in the Gospel (Lk 6:45). This phrase should be understood in the same sense as the Inner Word we have just heard. We need to learn from our Heavenly Father how to manage our free time so that we are not tempted to overload ourselves with useless things. We may not realise at first how this affects us, but our soul knows very well how to distinguish the nourishment we give it. It makes a big difference whether we feed it with good food, which leads it to seek our Father and to be close to Him, or whether we fill it with one distraction after another, which in the long run damages it and weakens it for the spiritual battle it is called to fight. Read More