“As long as man does not live in the truth, he cannot taste real freedom” (Message of God the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

True freedom consists in living according to God’s Will. Anything that separates us from Him inevitably leads to a lack of freedom because, as the Father says in His message, we are then outside the true law, for obedience to which He created us. Consequently, we live in opposition to the deepest meaning of our existence and cannot enjoy the fruits of true freedom, which our Father can only give us in fullness if we live according to His Will.

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‘A person who loves is practically beyond all other jurisdiction. Love and do what you will’ (St Augustine).

This is a famous and bold exclamation of St Augustine. To give it its true meaning, it should be placed in the context of the first part of the sentence: “A person who loves is practically beyond all other jurisdiction. This is already a limitation, since it is clear that we are dealing with a love that is not so easily attained.

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“Raise your eyes to God again and again to see if your actions and ways are right in His eyes. Above all, be careful not to let go of His hand” (St. Francis de Sales).

This advice of St. Francis de Sales can become a good habit for us, leading to a living dialogue with our Father. We can also ask Him concretely and with a free heart if there is anything between Him and us, and if so, ask Him to show it to us. Our Father will answer us and help us to remove any obstacles so that love can flow freely. In this way a deeper relationship of trust will emerge, marked by an increasing naturalness, and any fears we may still have will disappear.

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“Man’s greatest merit is to place all his hope in God” (Saint Bernard of Clairvaux).

These words of St Bernard turn the world view of the natural man on its head. We all have a tendency to base our worth on what we possess, what we know, what we achieve. It is not so easy to overcome this because we are surrounded by this mentality and we need a process until we can give our full consent to what St Bernard is telling us today.

What can help us in this process?

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‘In my love, I have taken possession of you. You are mine!’ (Inner word).

This is the depth of our Father’s love for us! For His love it is not enough to shower us with blessings and let us know in every possible way how much He cares for us and protects us. No, His love goes far beyond that. Our Father wants to unite with us forever and establish His dwelling place within us. The mystics have described this unification with God in sublime terms, and sometimes they could not even find words for how intoxicated they were with His love.

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“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might” (Eph 6:10).

These are the opening words of a series of spiritual counsels given by the Apostle Paul for perseverance in the battle entrusted to all who follow the Lord. It is an invitation to rely entirely on God and to leave behind the false security that comes from trusting in one’s own strength and abilities. We must understand and accept that God’s strength is above all in His love. It saves us from all dangers that we could never overcome on our own.

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“O my Jesus, I know that in order to be useful to souls I must long for the most intimate union with You, Who are eternal Love” (St. Faustina Kowalska).

Our fruitfulness for the salvation of souls depends on the intimacy of our union with God. Every day we are invited to deepen our love for the Lord and thus to be ever more united with our heavenly Father.  In fact, Jesus introduced us to this love, as He makes clear in His priestly prayer in the Gospel of John: “I made known to them thy name, and I will make it known, that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them” (Jn 17:26).

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