On September 13, 2024, at an interreligious meeting with young people in Singapore, Pope Francis uttered the inconceivable words that “all religions are a path to God” and represent only “different languages.”

What we have unfortunately been seeing since the publication of “Amoris Laetitia” has been confirmed without ambiguity in this statement. The Petrine ministry is being abused, and we must recognize how this abuse seeks to destroy the Catholic Church and transform it into a different entity. The missionary mandate of the Risen Lord to announce the Gospel to all men (cf. Mt 28:19-20) is not only relegated to the background, but, applying the papal statements in Singapore, it is stripped of its inner meaning. Thus, we can see how an increasingly apostate Church is becoming an instrument of anti-Christian powers, which are gaining more and more strength.

We cannot close our eyes to reality, no matter how painful it may be. It must also be said and understood that Pope Francis is acting as a false prophet, inspired by a different spirit. Whoever wants to remain faithful to Jesus Christ and to the authentic doctrine of the Church – and, therefore, to the true Bride of Christ – cannot follow the course taken by the current Pontificate.

But not only the faithful, but also people in the world who seek the truth must know that, in essential points, Pope Francis does not represent the authentic Catholic faith. They are being deceived too!

What Holy Scripture and the authentic doctrine of the Church announce, however, is that Jesus is the Redeemer of all men and that everyone is called to believe in Him to be saved. “No one comes to the Father except through me” – these are the irrevocable words of Jesus (Jn 14:6), and the Church has nothing else to announce.

So, the time for decision has arrived.

Since the highest representative of the Catholic Church has made a public statement that contradicts the mission of the Lord and the Church – and since it is not an isolated statement, but in line with previous statements and actions –, every faithful Catholic should perceive that a betrayal of the Lord and his Church is being perpetrated here. You should also be clear that it is not the Holy Spirit who is at work here, but rather Lucifer spreading his deceptive light.

Those who distance themselves from the Church are those who adulterate the faith and drag with them those who tacitly tolerate this falsification.

As I have stressed in previous publications, the Church will have to retreat to the (spiritual) desert under the protection of the Virgin Mary (

Since 2016, when the exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” was published, I have tried to point out, through numerous writings and conferences, that a “different spirit” is at work in the present Pontificate. All these publications are available and can be read or listened to here:  Also, in the daily meditations I have occasionally included some critical topics.

Unfortunately, there are very few voices within the ecclesiastical hierarchy that point out the errors of the current Pontificate. It is a difficult situation for the faithful, since the shepherds should guide the flock to the green pastures and protect them from the wolves. Today almost the opposite is happening. Apart from those shepherds who openly howl with the wolves and are therefore easily recognizable, there are many shepherds who remain strangely silent when they should be forewarning.  Could it be that they really do not recognize the terrible errors of this Pontificate? Could it be that they are afraid?

In any case, the faithful have to continue to endure the silence of their shepherds, while the wolves can continue pursuing their prey. We the faithful can be grateful for all those who have the courage to warn of the “poison” of false doctrines and practices. God will not leave his people without guidance!

But now there can be no more hesitation or justifications of any kind for the pernicious course of the current Pontificate.

We are faced with this decision: either follow the Lord Jesus Christ and the authentic doctrine of the Church or continue to allow ourselves to be blinded.

As far as I am concerned, I ask for prayers so that in this difficult hour in the history of the Church and of humanity I can assume in the Spirit of God the responsibility that the Lord has entrusted me. With God’s grace, I will try to help the faithful in these times of confusion to follow the path of the Lord.

In all that comes, I trust in the guidance and wisdom of our Heavenly Father and the intercession of our beloved Lady.

Brother Elijah

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