May 19th, 2024, Solemnity of Pentecost

The Holy Catholic Church is going through a great crisis.

Since Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina assumed the Petrine Ministry in 2013, we have been confronted with a situation that is difficult to believe for a Catholic, but that unfortunately has become a reality. In the effort to adapt the Church to the modern world, the ecclesiastical government has increasingly fallen under the influence of anti-Christian powers, and is now leading the People of God down the wrong path.

Although the root of the current deviations dates back to the Second Vatican Council in 1962-65 and must be carefully examined, an unprecedented situation has emerged in the Pontificate of Francis, which requires a decision on the part of the faithful.

Since the publication of the post-synodal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” (2016), which is in contradiction with the preceding path of the Church, it has become necessary – for reasons of faith and for the salvation of souls – to distance ourselves from the direction of Pope Francis. This writing inflicted a serious wound on the Church[1].

The “Abu Dhabi Document” (2019) added yet another wound[2].

On October 4th of that same year, the cult of Pachamama took place in the Vatican, a public transgression of the first commandment[3].

During the coronavirus crisis that occurred immediately after this last event, the Church’s hierarchy unquestioningly supported the measures taken at a global level to counteract the said virus, and became the promoter of an experimental gene therapy injection that caused great sufferings and loss of life[4].

Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio “Traditionis Custodes”, with its restrictions on the traditional rite of the Holy Mass, caused even more unrest among the faithful and de facto annulled the work of reconciliation initiated by his predecessor Benedict XVI[5].

The declaration “Fiducia Supplicans”, published on December 18th, 2023, showed unequivocally what had been becoming evident for some time: the government of the Church has embarked on a wrong course[6]. Instead of acting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it finds itself under the influence of powers hostile to God.

In this last document the error of the current hierarchy has been clearly manifested: it is intended to force priests to bless unions that are in contradiction with God’s plan, which the previous Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Müller, has described as blasphemy. In a later note, it was emphasized that all the faithful should follow Francis’ new teaching[7].

The attempts of various cardinals, bishops and lay people to clarify and correct the errors have unfortunately had no effect.

This new direction, which directly contradicts the nature and divine mission of the Church, establishes and manifests at the same time, that the current government of the Church has been deprived of its internal authority, which only comes from God. If the guidance of the Holy Spirit is no longer recognized in the ministers of the Church, then their government becomes a danger for the faithful, since they are led into error.

This danger is perceived with special clarity by those who, while remaining faithful to the traditional Faith, want to cling to the unadulterated Word of God and the authentic Teaching of the Church.

As such, an “emergency situation” has occurred in the Church, a kind of “state of exception,” because the faithful need the ecclesiastical hierarchy to keep and announce the authentic doctrine and morality that has been entrusted to them.

If the faithful are deprived of this, they cannot render the obedience that is normally due to ecclesiastical authorities. Rather, they must clearly distance themselves from the course taken in the current Pontificate.

The “state of emergency” also affects people in the world, since they have the right and need for a clear and unequivocal testimony from the Church, which must give light and guidance to this world. (cf. Mt 5,14).

The faithful, therefore, in addition to avoiding the wrong direction of the current government of the Church, must resort to the appropriate measures to offer resistance to those spirits that, through their influence, have caused this emergency situation in the Church[8].

Since a change of course is not to be expected soon – even the latest declaration “Dignitas infinita” omits to clearly announce Catholic doctrine [9] – the Church, represented in those faithful who want to remain true to authentic Catholic doctrine and praxis, will have to retire for a time to the desert in order to continue serving the Lord[10].

Time and time again throughout history there have been situations in which the Church had to hide to protect itself from various political attacks. However, the peculiarity of the current situation is that the faithful are also threatened from within, by the false course taken by the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

In addition to praying for erring pastors, we ask the Lord to restore an ecclesiastical hierarchy faithful to the Catholic Faith. As long as this does not happen, the emergency situation will continue.

As far as the faithful are concerned, they are to find or establish “oases in the desert”, where they can gather, where priests can celebrate the Holy Mass, and administer the sacraments.

May God also grant that some representatives of the Church’s hierarchy clearly recognize the emergency in which we find ourselves, draw the correct conclusions, and serve the faithful in the desert.









8 The appropriate measures for spiritual combat are, above all, prayer, fasting, and other spiritual practices that weaken the power of fallen angels.



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