“I come from God, my Father, and to Him I return, for to Him alone do I belong” (Father’s Message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

What profound certainty, what security can enter our lives when we repeat these words in our hearts, following the Father’s suggestion in His message! They express a simple and marvelous truth. By saying them, we place ourselves in this truth and recognize our dependence on the Father. Indeed, it is as Jesus says in the Gospel: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).

Human pride may find this difficult to accept, but then there is a great misunderstanding. Dependence on God is our greatest joy, because it is a state of love and communion with our Father, not a state without freedom. How many people fall into slavery and error because of a false concept of freedom!

In Sacred Scripture, on the other hand, God assures us: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jer 1:5).

God has prepared our paths. It is now up to us to find the way and walk in the path He has prepared for us. God has never strayed from the path with us, while we humans often stray. But we can find Him again because we know the goal: to return to our Father!

What about all the temptations along the way, both internal and external, that want to lead us astray?

We are God’s property! With this affirmation we can counter any claim against us that wants to confuse us. Let us simply invoke His name and make it clear to the “accuser” that God, our Father, is watching over us and that we are His property. Then the enemy powers, wherever they come from, from within or from without, will have to yield.