516th Meditation

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Jn 20:29).

It is not so easy for us human beings to embark on the path of pure faith, because we usually want to grasp reality through the senses. A materially inclined world tends to accept only what it is capable of understanding.

However, faith is a bright light in this darkness, and will be credited to us as a great merit. True faith requires trust, to hold fast to the truth that is communicated to our spirit through Holy Scripture, Church doctrine and in other ways. The assurance that results from faith is of another level than that of experience. If we do not limit faith simply to a “conviction of doctrinal truths”, then it will open our heart to the One who brings us the Good News. It will allow Him to enter our soul, and, together with Him, all that He announces to us. Thus a living relationship arises, a relationship of love. From this comes an inner security that does not depend primarily on knowledge.

In this respect the Father tells us in the Message:

“Even if you do not see Me, do you not feel Me very close to you in the things that happen to you and around you? How you will be rewarded, one day, for having believed in Me, even without having seen Me!”

Here our Father shows us faith in its most personal dimension. He will be grateful if we “risk” to believe and listen to His voice even without seeing Him. This “dark mirror of faith” (cf. 1 Cor 13:12) is, at the same time, the shining star that enlightens us and enables us to enter into a genuine relationship with God from now on. Thus, even without seeing, we walk in the security of trust.