Feast of our heavenly Father

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Through the reflections of the last days, we have had the opportunity to meet God the Father a little closer. Sometimes our own experiences might be an obstacle of recognizing the true image of God,if, for example, our own relationship to our father was more problematic than good.

But one should not be disturbed because of such circumstances and, more than ever, discover God as our loving Father. He  can heal our wounds and fulfill our inner emptiness which might have come to us because of lacking sufficent love. Read More

In the service of Heavenly Father’s love

Ninth day of the novena to God Father

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The nine days of the Abba Novena should serve us to get to know God’s love better and to experience it even more as a source of our joy.

We have been invited in the past few days to deepen the trust in God, to honor and love him – to enter into a more intimate friendship with him.

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To love God Father

Eighth day of the novena to God Father

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The most beautiful thing we can give our father is our sincere love. We have heard at the beginning of our reflections that Jesus tells us: “He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me” (Jn. 14:21). This is the necessary and lasting response, so that the love of our Father can not only call us , but also penetrate us.

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To honor God, our Father

Seventh day of the novena to God Father

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God deserves honor, praise and glory, as the New Testament so wonderfully says (cf. Rev. 5:12).

If we could take a look at the heavens and see how much the angels and saints, who are fully sharing the loving communion with God, honor our Heavenly Father, then our attitude towards God would be penetrated with deeper love and honor.

How can we better honor our Father on Earth or at least try it?

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To know God

Sixth day of the novena to God Father

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In 1932, God Father appeared Madre Eugenia Ravasio. She wrote down the message of our Heavenly Father. After a long examination, the responsible bishop recognized the message as valid. So now we have a very precious little book: “A life for the glory of the Father.”

 In this little book, God’s Father speaks strongly of his love for us human beeings. In ever new turns and perspectives he tells us his love.

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Our father and his generosity

Fifth day of the novena to God Father

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It is part of the trait of our father to be generous.

With great joy he gives us his immeasurable wealth. We should not only have life but also “life in abundance” (Jn. 10:10).

 In eternity a never-ending joy awaits us: death will be no more, no mourning, no lamentation, no hardship (Rev. 21:4). God Himself will be our reward.

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God, our Father

Fourth day of the novena to God Father

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When we look at the love of God and notice how much our Father loves us, we can ask ourselves what the Lord wants from us and in what attitude we should communicate with him.

The answer is clear: God wants us to respond to his love, and Jesus explains to us what love means: “He who loves me keeps my commandments” (Jn. 14:15).

What God appreciates and what He asks for is our trust.

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The heart of our Father as the source of mercy

Third day of the novena to God Father

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We as human beeings in our fallen state with our limitations in the uncertainty of our life and our fragility are in need of an ultimate foundation

This foundation is the love of our father himself.

He gives us life, light, clarity and security.

We are truly secure, because the love of God is without fluctuations and does not retire even if we ourselves have become weak and have abandoned ourselves to the inclinations that want to separate us from God.

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The Heart of our Heavenly Father is Open

Second day of the novena to God Father

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Today we continue the preparation for the feast of our heavenly Father.

„God said, “Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of Ourselves““ (Gen. 1:26)

The center of our personality as human beeings is our heart.

Only when our heart is involved in all what we do our deeds will have the full expression.

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God our Father is love

First day of the novena to God Father

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During the following days we will hear some short meditations about God our heavenly Father.

Some catholics celebrate privatly a feast to God our Father on August 7. They follow a request of God Father himself, which he revealed to a religious, named Mother Eugenia Ravaso in the year of 1932 in a privat revelation. This revelation was prooved by the church and very well confirmed.

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